01 招商局工業集團有限公司

招商工業總部位於香港,在國內渤海灣、長江經濟帶、長三角和粵港澳灣區等佈局有七大造修船基地,在新加坡、荷蘭、義大利、芬蘭等十餘個國家設有子公司或駐外機構。其中,位於香港的“友聯船廠”是香港最大的修船廠。招商工業業務主要聚焦在海洋裝備維修改裝、海洋工程裝備製造、豪華郵輪製造、特種船舶製造等領域。 招商工業戰略願景是以支撐海洋經濟開發為己任,聚焦高端、綠色、經濟、科技型海洋裝備,建設中國領先的海洋裝備和郵輪製造商,打造走向深藍的工業力量。


2.實習崗位 (香港及大灣區 20-30名)

02 友聯船廠有限公司


1. 公司總部銀行額度的建立與維護工作;
2. 公司總部日常的資金管理工作;
3. 公司投資專案的資金籌畫工作;
4. 協調下屬公司的額度建立工作;
5. 下屬公司的資金監控及管理工作;
6. 信用證及保函等銀行業務管理工作;
7. 上司交辦的其他事項。”

1. 大學或以上學歷,財務會計等專業畢業;
2. 有財務相關實習經驗,銀行融資、信用證和保函業務等領域實習經驗更佳;
3. 優秀的學習能力和團隊合作精神,願意不斷學習;
4. 粵語、普通話及英語流利;
5. 工作認真,責任心強,自覺維護公司利益,適應中資企業文化。

2.人力資源助理(2-3名 )







工作地點:葵興/青衣 薪資範圍12-16K(可面議) 有接駁巴士&食堂等福利

04 燕然基金會

崗位1 活動執行(策劃)
1.       配合完成活動專案的推進與落實
2.       能夠獨立進行專案前期策劃、中期執行以及後期回饋
3.       及時有效地處理專案中的突發狀況及公關危機
4.       搭建及維護客戶關係
5.       上級安排的其他工作任務
1.       本科以上學歷,傳媒或市場行銷等相關專業
2.       良好的語言表達能力和溝通能力,較強的應變能力
3.       良好的寫作能力,
4.       熟練掌握office軟體,如會使用圖片及影音處理軟體更佳
5.       普通話流利,會粵語的應聘者優先考慮

崗位2 財務會計
1.       負責公司日常財務工作,包括款項核算、結算,整理發票、收款回單,員工報銷費用審核等
2.       協助公司進行其他會務工作
3.       上級安排的其他工作任務
1.       本科以上學歷,財務、會計等相關專業
2.       1-2兩年相關工作經驗,沒有工作經驗但符合條件的應聘者也可以申請
3.       獨立自主完成工作任務,有較強的責任心
4.       普通話流利,會粵語的應聘者優先考慮
崗位3 秘書長助理  1名

工作地點:中環 薪水範圍:13K-15K (可面議) 週一至五早10:00-晚6:00

05 Kpay merchant service limited 初創金融企業 觀塘區

Our mission is to continuously create value for our merchants and consumers. On our comprehensive technology platform, we provide varieties of products and services to our merchants, including one-stop payment solutions and other business empowerment services.We provide seamless, quick, easy and reliable payment solutions to merchants, linking them up with millions of consumers. Within the payment solutions, we are able to offer deep and thorough understanding of our consumers, so as to build a closely connected ecosystem.From the vast amount of clienteles and data assets we possess, we further empower our merchants with rich and varied services, such as (1) merchant SaaS products, to boost operation efficiency; (2) sales and marketing expertise to reach potential customers and target groups; (3) fin-tech solutions to fulfill financial needs.We build and maintain an end-to-end ecosystem to facilitate transactions and interactions between merchants and consumers, to create more value for all parties.

崗位 :Research Analyst / Junior Research Analyst 4名
• Support senior management with company and industry-specific analysis in internet sector
• Collect and consolidate vast amount of data and news in an effective and presentable manner
• Participate in ad hoc research and projects, and produce regular research reports for internal distribution
• Develop and maintain market and company databases
• Assist in the preparation of press presentations
要求:Master Degree in Finance, Economics, Mathematics is preferred
• Relevant experience (1-2 years) as a research analyst. Experience in Internet sector is preferred
• Strong financial modelling skills and with strong analytical mind
• Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese word processing
• Excellent written and spoken English and Chinese
• Able to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment.
薪資:20K+ 工作時間: 0930-1830

06 MY Innovate HK 初創金融業

MY Innovate (HK) Limited, is a FinTech company leveraging new technologies to provide advanced tools in order to serve the financial world. Our company’s main product is a loan trading platform based on blockchain and secure encryption.
Programmer / Web Developer (Expected Arrival Date : June,2021)
1.Assisting the Business team with all aspects of software design,coding and testing.
2.Attending and contributing to company development meetings.
3.Learning the codebase and improving your coding skills.
4.Writing and maintaining code.
5.Working on minor bug fixes.
6.Monitoring the technical performance of internal systems.
7. Responding to requests from the development team. 8. Conducting development tests.
1.Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or other Engineering/technology major from a University in Hong Kong. 2. Knowledge of basic coding languages including JavaScript. 3. Knowledge of databases (ideally experience with MongoDB). 4. Good command in both written & spoken English.
Monthly HKD20K to HKD30K Mon to Friday place:Shatin

07 點新聞 港資企業 公司規模 51-100人

崗位:網路編輯2名 (立即到崗)
工作時間 9:00-18:00 薪資面議 公司規模:南區

08北港金融控股(香港)有限公司 中資金融

北港金融控股(香港)有限公司(簡稱北港金控)成立於2018年3月,由廣西北部灣國際港務集團有限公司在香港組建成立,為北部灣控股(香港)有限公司全資子公司。北港金控在香港的全資附屬持牌子公司包括北港資產管理有限公司 (持有香港證監會頒發的4、9號牌照)、北港證券(香港)有限公司(持有香港證監會頒發的1號牌照)及北港財富管理有限公司(保險經紀牌照)。廣西自治區區國企中唯一在港的持牌金融機構
崗位: 境外投融資專案經理(助理) 2名 到崗時間:2021年5月
要求:2年金融從業經驗 ,有相關工作經驗為佳
薪資: 20-30k*13+花紅 工作地點:中西區

09.eBroker Systems Limited

eBroker is a leading Financial Engineering firm and Financial IT solutions provider in Asia Pacific. We are proud to receive both the Hong Kong IT Excellence Product Gold Award and the Asia Pacific ICT Award for Financial Application. We are looking for top notch professionals to join a fast growing and profitable firm for the challenge in our expansion in the Asia Pacific region.
Account Executive immediately on position
Develop new businesses and leads to increase the client base through excellent customer service.
Develops and maintains relationships with assigned customers and potential new accounts to generate recurring businesses.
Responsible for Business Development, Account Servicing and Marketing Activities.
Responsible for end-to-end account management, solution sales and project coordination to cater for customers’ Fintech requirements.
Requirement :
Diploma or Degree holder in any discipline. 2 + years’ working experience.
Strong desire to learn with keen interest in Fintech area.
Excellent team player and enjoy working with others.
Presentable and strong in building up relationship and communication skills.
Fluency in English and Cantonese. Native Mandarin speaker preferred.
Full training will be provided.
Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 6:00 pm salary negotiable

10 MERIDIAN INNOVATION LTD 紅外晶片半導體公司(香港科學園企業)

Meridian Innovation is an exciting start-up, pushing the boundaries of thermal imaging with a suite of technologies – from a novel microchip infrared sensor, to software solutions and thermal data analytics.

01. Software Engineer:
We seek an experienced and energetic Software Engineer to engage in the designing and coding of unique solutions that meet market requirements, often collaborating with other companies.
You will participate in every phase of a project: definition of requirements, software design and coding, testing & system integration. Ideally, you are an adaptive and forward-thinking individual, able to take ownership of complex processes, while executing on immediate short-term deliverables.
The current openings mandate a genuine interest and ability and 2+ years of experience in at least 2 of the following:

• web-development – full stack, or emphasis on back end, including cloudbased server development
• database development (e.g. PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL) machine learning, AI
• computer vision and multimodal image processing (as in thermal, depth, colour)
• distributed image and video analytics
• API development
• High proficiency in the relevant programming languages, e.g. Python, Java, Javascript, and of course C++ is a plus.
• A relevant PhD, MSc or BSc degree

02 Mechanical Engineer:

Job Description:
We seek an experienced and energetic Mechanical Engineer to engage in the mechanical design and manufacturing of our products, and calibration and testing equipment.
You will participate in every phase of a project: definition of requirements, conceptual design, mechanical design, thermal and mechanical modelling and simulation, communication with manufacturing vendors, testing & system integration. Ideally, you are an adaptive and forwardthinking individual, able to take ownership of complex processes, while executing on immediate short-term deliverables.

Desired skills:
• The current opening mandates most of the following: • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering
•Genuine interest and ability, backed by 2+ years of experience
•3D CAD software such as SolidWorks
•Good understanding of the basic fundamental’s in physics, optics, electronics and programming
•Hands on experience in using hand tooling, assembly of test-jigs and instrumentation equipment, debug and machine improvement
•Exceptional technical and problem-solving skills and reasoning ability •Ability to communicate effectively and clearly in English, Cantonese and Mandarin
•Thermo-mechanical modelling and simulation Job Location(s): Hong Kong Science Park

Salary range :20k(negotiable ) Working time : 5 days, 9am-6pm Place : Hong Kong Science Park, Sha Tin



崗位:辦公室助理 1名 (期望到崗日期: 2021年4月)

薪資:20K-30K 週一-週五 9am-6pm 工作地點:中西區

12 夢網國際通信(香港)有限公司

1 . C++工程師

3、熟悉資料庫相關開發,至少熟練使用Oracle/Sql Server/mysql/Sybase資料庫中一種 ;


2、精通Java EE相關技術,熟練運用Spring/SpringBoot/MyBatis等基礎框架
5、熟悉基於微服務的行業應用和系統架構,熟悉Spring Cloud套件,至少2年以上微服務開發經驗
1 、負責本部門相關產品新專案的前端開發;
2 、負責本部產品的前端問題系統修改、優化;
3 、參與新產品的預研。


2、熟悉SQL Server、MYSQL、ORACLE、DB2關係型數據

工作時間:週一至週五 地點 :科學園 薪資範圍:30-45k(具體薪酬面議) 優先考慮立即到崗


亞太本土最大的管理軟體供應商,誕生於1988年,始終堅持用戶之友的核心價值觀,領航企業服務32年,是領先的綜合型、融合化、生態式的企業服務提供商,致力於服務中國及全球企業與公共組織的數位化轉型與智能化發展,推動企業服務產業變革,用創想與技術推動商業和社會進步。超過17,000人員工, 已累計服務企業用戶超過700萬家,超過6成的中國500強企業使用我們的服務,業務遍及港澳臺、星馬泰、印尼、菲律賓、澳洲等地。

香港用友作為海外事業總部,現招募多名銷售助理/銷售經理。 我們將提供
1. 完整全面的員工培訓 (遇見不可同日而語的自己)
2.清晰的業務開展計畫 (明確的業績達成路徑)
3. 跨越年資的薪資增長計畫 (百萬年薪指日可待)
4. 年度員工海外獎勵旅行 (已造訪泰國、韓國、杜拜、澳洲等)

銷售助理/銷售經理 2名(期望到崗日期: 2021年5月30日 )
職責:1.參與區業務規劃、經營策略和計畫; 2.負責香港市場客戶商機挖掘、專案拓展; 3.達成區域YonSuite業務的經營目標。
1.本科畢業,Business Administration、Accounting、IT之相關專業。
薪資範疇:3萬港幣/月 工作時間 9:15-18:00(週一至週五) 地點:灣仔


14.Changjiang Securities International Financial Group Limited


Established in 2011, Changjiang Securities International Financial Group Limited is a subsidiary of Changjiang Securities Company Limited (listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with stock code of 000783). We are a diversified financial services company with various products and services for institutional and retail clients. Our main businesses include securities and futures brokerage, wealth management, corporate finance and asset management. To facilitate our business growth, we are looking for high-calibre candidates who are dedicated to the industry to join our team.

長江證券國際金融集團有限公司成立於2011年,為長江證券股份有限公司(於深圳證券交易所上市,股份代號: 000783)之附屬公司。我們積極拓展業務至全球金融市場,為兩地的機構客戶及個人投資者提供全面優質的证券和期货經紀、企業融資和資產管理等服務,豐富兩地投資者的投資選擇,建立起香港和內地金融合作的新模式和新橋梁。因應我們的高速發展,希望有志從事於金融業人士加入我們,成為優秀團隊的一分子。

Position 1:Senior Officer/ Officer, Accounts Department


  • Responsible for daily operations of Accounts Department,.including bankreconciliations and bank account management;
  • Perform daily accounting function on securities &futures brokerage business; Responsible formonth-end closing; timely conducting monthly financial reports and
  • analysis for management review;
  • Prepare monthly FRR regulatory reports according to SFO requirements; Participate in formulation and execution of accounting guidelines, policies andprocedures;
  • Update accounting standards and information in accordance to market standards and SFCrequirements;
  • Assist in ad hoc projects when required.


  • Degree holder or above in accounting, finance or a related business discipline;Qualified accountant with HKICPA or other recognized professional accountingbodies is preferable;
  • 2 years related working experiences, with exposure in securities firm/ sizablefinancial institution/ accounting firm is an advantage;。Good knowledge in preparing financial reports and FRR;
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese with fluent Mandarin;
  • Analytical mind, attentive to detail and good communication skills;。 Self-motivated, independent and also be able to work with team.

We offer 5-days work with good career prospect and remuneration package for the right

candidate. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Position 2 Head of Accounts Department


  • Report to the CFO, lead and coach a small team with the size of 4-5 staff
  • Perform full spectrum of finance and accounting duties including supervision on corporate assets & cash flow, budgeting & planning, cost forecast, etc.;
  • Review SFC FRR reporting;
  • Provide timely and accurate analysis of budgets, financial reports, tax and audit functions;
  • Develop, review and maintain internal control to ensure compliance with relevant rules, regulations and company policies;
  • Provide professional financial and tax planning advice to management;
  • Liaise with external auditors, bankers, legal, compliance, transfer agents and custodians;
  • Perform ad hoc projects as required.


  • Degree holder in Accountancy or related disciplines with professional accountancy qualification such as HKICPA/ ACCA or equivalent;
  • Comprehensive knowledge of accounting standards and other regulatory requirements;
  • Minimum 6 years of relevant experience in Financial industry; Less experience with 1-2 years of team management experience will also be considered;PRC firm experience is preferred;
  • Knowledge in FRR regulatory reporting is required;
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese with fluent Mandarin;
  • Able to work independently with efficiency and able to meet tight deadline;
  • Self-motivated with good personal integrity, analytical and leadership skills.

We offer 5-days work with good career prospect and remuneration package for the right candidate. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.


15.Leo Holdings Hong Kong Limited

財務分析師   立即到岗


  • 協助財務報表編制和現金流量管理;
  • 管理年度審核和中期審核;
  • 協助預算編制和監督;
  • 處理內部控製程序審查;
  • 負責系統的實施和維護


  • 金融/會計或相關學科的學位持有者
  • 1-2年的相關經驗
  • 積極主動,注重細節,組織良好,注重結果,具有出色的人際交往能力,分析能力和責任感
  • 精通英語,普通話和廣東話
  • 熟悉MS應用

薪资:15000  地点:中西区

  • 每週工作5天 • 年度績效獎金 • 年假和公共假期 • 強積金及醫療保險  







岗位:實施顧問 – 財務/ 供應鏈/ 人力資源/ 協同 15名 (期望到岗日期: 2021年4月12日 )

职责:提供財務/ 供應鏈/ 人力資源/ 協同系統實施服務,包括用戶需求研究,系統配置,測試,用戶培訓,報告編寫和文檔編制。


薪资:18-25K 工作时间:周一到周五 9-6pm 地点:湾仔







岗位一:  (高级) 机械设计工程师




  1. 负责传感器机械系统的结构设计,部件选型,外观与尺寸优化等,负责和供应商或制造商联系,确定产品方案
  2. 完成产品的三维建模,平面施工图和加工制造图,编制工艺规范和装配规范

1. 大学以上学历,机械设计/机械设计制造及其自动化相关专业背景

  1. 熟练掌握 SolidWorks、AutoCAD 等专业制图软件
  2. 工作专业严谨,思维开阔,具有创新精神和团队协作精神





  1. 负责传感器中电子硬件的开发任务,包括原理分析,方案设计,器件选型, PCB 设计,调试到生产的整个或部分过程
  2. 能完成对硬件单板制造商技术方案的验证评估,监督实施和调试



  1. 熟悉DSP、FPGA等外围接口电路设计,熟悉信号完整性,EMC等知识和分析处理
  2. 工作专业严谨,思维开阔,具有创新精神和团队协作精神




1. 负责传感器中信号处理的算法设计、架构设计和代码调试

  1. 负责 DSP处理器相关的程序编写
    3. 搭建产品方案设计所需的软件模型并仿真和验证


  1. 大学以上学历,计算机/电子信息等相关专业背景,具备AI应用相关的开发经验者优先
  2. 熟悉 DSP 及其库文件开发
    3. 熟练使用 C/C++编程语言及 MATLAB 开发工具
    4. 拥有 1 年以上相关工作或实习经历,具有仪器的数字处理开发经验者优先
  3. 工作严谨,思维开阔,具有创新精神


  1. 薪金面议 五险一金 专业培训 定期团建
  2. 项目完成后的订单分红
  3. 薪酬高于深圳行业标准
    4. 环境精致、位置上佳的青年公寓(1/3 深圳租金市价)
    5. 有深造意向者,港校硕士/全奖博士推荐名额



职位:運維工程師(Data Center Operator IDC)


1、 負責IT基礎設施運維工作,基礎設施包括數據中心與網絡機房的基礎設施與設備,包括機房服務器、路由器、交換器、網絡維護、網絡安全管理及技術支援;

2、 網絡配置變更、網絡線路調試、故障排查、系統安排配置、設備重啟、設備故障處理,報告及數據統計等日常工作

3、 客戶設備資訊的記錄與確認,解决相關問題;

4、 機房容量規範解决網絡或服務器可能發生的問題;對常用服務和系統配置進行配置的修改



2、有data center 工作經驗為佳



   上班地點:Base on 香港;荃灣、粉嶺、九龍灣等多個區


19.Gold Mantis (International) Construction Decoration Limited 金螳螂(國際)建築裝飾有限公司

1QS Manager


  1. Pre and post contract quantity surveying services including preparation of budget and cost estimation, tender documents, tender analysis and recommendation, contract documentation, project cost reporting and control, contract administration and claims assessment, etc.
  2. Liaise with internal project team members, various business departments of the Group and external project consultant team members for local Hong Kong and overseas projects.
  3. Perform project management role in addition to quantity surveying services


  1. Diploma in Quantity Surveying or equivalent
  2. 8 years post qualification in fitting out contractor experience
  3. Conversant in fit-out pricing
  4. Well organized, self-initiated and possess good communication skills
  5. Proficient in MS Office and Program Applications
  6. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese
  7. Immediate available is highly preferred.

2.Designer Manager 


  1. This role shall be responsible for managing fitting out projects from tender stage to completion
  2. Monitor the site progress and coordination between consultants, contractors and vendors to ensure projects are delivered in accordance with the specification and quality requirements
  3. Keep track of meeting key milestones and within budget
  4. Take lead of the project team to resolve design and on-site issues that may affect the master plan or the progress of work
  5. Ability to generate construction drawings and detail in Auto CAD


  1. Higher Certificate standard or above in Building Studies / Architectural Studies or related disciplines;
  2. Minimum 6 years experience in workplace fitting out contractor or design and build contractor
  3. Prefer fitting out experience in clubhouse, mansion, show flat or sales office.
  4. Proficiency in Auto CAD, MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese Word Processing;
  5. Well organized, self-initiated and possess good communication skills
  6. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese

3.Senior Draftsman / Draftsman (Auto CAD) 

including sketches and design materials, layout, rendering and construction drawings


  1. This role shall be responsible for generate construction drawings and detail in Auto CAD Assist and support projects of the design team


  1. Form 5 or above
  2. Minimum 2-5 years experience in workplace fitting out contractor or design and build contractor
  3. Proficiency in Auto CAD, MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese Word Processing;
  4. Well organized, self-initiated and possess good communication skills
  5. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese

4.Site Supervisor/ Foreman / Project Coordinator


  1. Supervision on site progress and coordination between consultants, contractors and vendors to ensure projects are delivered in accordance with the specification and quality requirements
  2. To prepares written materials including correspondence, reports, procedures, and guidelines related to project file maintenance and document control
  3. To update project reports and report on a regular basis
  4. To liaise with relevant Consultants and Authorities on statutory submissions,
  5. approvals and inspections


  1. Higher Certificate standard or above in Building Studies / Architectural Studies or related disciplines;
  2. Minimum 3-5 years site management experience in workplace fitting out contractor or design and build contractor
  3. Proficiency in MS Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Chinese Word Processing;
  4. Well organized, self-initiated and possess good communication skill
  5. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese

Candidate with less experience will be considered as Project Coordinator

5.Project Director / Project Manage


  1. This role shall be responsible for managing fitting out projects from tender stage to completion
  2. Monitor the site progress and coordination between consultants, contractors and vendors to ensure projects are delivered in accordance with the specification and quality requirements
  3. Keep track of meeting key milestones and within budget
  4. Take lead of the project team to resolve design and on-site issues that may affect the master plan or the progress of work


  1. Degree or Diploma in Construction Management/ Building Surveying / or related disciplines
  2. Minimum 8 years site management experience in workplace fitting out contractor or design and build contractor
  3. Prefer fitting out experience in clubhouse, mansion, show flat or sales office
  4. Good concept design, detailed working drawing and presentation skills
  5. Well organized, self-initiated and possess good communication skills Proficient in MS Office and Program Applications
  6. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese


Immediate available is highly preferred.  Salary Negotiable, Location: Cheung Sha Wan

Candidate with less experience will be considered as Assistant Project Manager. 

20.Global Chinese Ltd.


We are an IT Solution Provider with a strong in-house development team in APAC.  To cope with our massive strategy growth in HK, we are now looking for a professional to join our young, innovative and energetic team.

You are not required to know about the industry business but you must be someone who is passionate about R&D and technically sound.


崗位1:Product Manager(產品經理)   人數: 1-2個


  1. Determining customers’ needs
  2. Managing from concept to design, production, testing, promotion and support
  3. Improving customers’ experience
  4. Translating product strategy into detailed requirements and prototypes
  5. Scoping and prioritizing activities based on business and customer impact
  6. Working closely with technical team and customer care team to deliver with quick time-to-market and optimal resources
  7. Evaluating promotional plans and supporting services to ensure that they are consistent with product line strategy
  8. Assist with ad hoc duties as assigned


  1. 4 or more years’ experience on technical product management and working with cross-functional teams
  2. Degrees in IT, Computer Science or related disciplines
  3. Good written and verbal communication skills
  4. Ability to multi-task and manage various projects
  5. Candidate with good attitude but less relevant skills & experience will start from the position of “Associate Product Manager”

薪酬:30-35K   五天工作    工作地點:中西區      期望到崗日期:4月

崗位2:Customer Service Manager(客戶服務經理)2個


  1. Representing the company by visiting customers to solicit feedback on company products and services
  2. Leading the customer care team who test, promote and support our products and services for customer
  3. Measuring and reporting customer care performance
  4. Designing promotional plans and supporting services
  5. Designing training for team
  6. Improving customers’ experience
  7. Collecting, consolidating and reporting feedback with priorities
  8. Working closely with technical team and product manager to deliver with quick time-to-market and optimal resources
  9. Adopting and reviewing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) with team
  10. Assist with ad hoc duties as assigned


  1. 5 or more years’ experience on customer care, customer support, etc with at least 3 years’ experience of managing a team
  2. Excellent communication and team leadership skills
  3. Excellent command of written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)
  4. Candidate with good attitude but less relevant skills & experience will start from the position of “Customer Care Assistant Manager”

薪酬:25-35K   五天工作    工作地點:中西區      期望到崗日期:4月

崗位3:Customer Care Assistant Manager


  1. Reporting to Customer Care Manager
  2. Representing the company by visiting customers to solicit feedback on company products and services
  3. Supporting Customer Care Manager to lead the team who test, promote and support our products and services for customer
  4. Measuring and reporting customer care performance
  5. Designing promotional plans and supporting services
  6. Providing training for team
  7. Improving customers’ experience
  8. Assisting the manager to collect, consolidate and report feedback with priorities
  9. Adopting and reviewing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) with team
  10. Assist with ad hoc duties as assigned


  1. 3 or more years’ experience on customer care, customer support, etc
  2. Good communication and team leadership skills
  3. Good command of written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)
  4. Candidate with good attitude but less relevant skills & experience will start from the position of “Customer Care Officer”

薪酬:20-30K 工作時間:五天工作 工作地點:中西區


崗位4:Customer Care Officer


  1. Report to Customer Care Manager
  2. Representing the company by visiting customers to solicit feedback on company products and services
  3. Handling customers’ enquiries
  4. Providing trainings to customers
  5. Testing, promoting and supporting our products and services for customer
  6. Reporting feedback with priorities
  7. Assist with ad hoc duties as assigned


  1. Experience in customer care, customer support or IT will be an advantage
  2. Good command of written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin)
  3. Higher Diploma/ Degree Holder or equivalent in any discipline
  4. Fresh graduate also will be considered 
  5. Being proactive, hardworking, resourceful and capable of dealing with new situations and challenges

薪酬:15-25K 工作時間:五天工作 工作地點:中西區



從心出發科技有限公司始創於2018年。公司主營業務為動漫製作,先後製作並運營了微信公眾號「Mr Origin小人物」,推出歷史漫畫及時事漫畫題材作品,獲得了廣大粉絲和相關行業權威人士的肯定。同時,公司還與香港導演、 香港理工大學、港鐵進行了廣泛合作,有過一些大型專案的案例。現公司為拓展新的科技領域業務,後續將在深圳、上海設立網點,創建一個新奇特的本地生活服務平臺,定會成為The next big thing。 公司價值觀:合理創意、務實篤行、精益求精、商業道德。 使命:平衡各方利益,達至合作共贏。


崗位1:高級.NET全棧工程師 2個   期望到崗日期:5月1號


  • 配合架構師,完成專案技術預研和核心組件編寫。
  • 帶領和指導中級工程師,填充專案業務邏輯。
  • 編寫和維護技術文檔。


  • 服務端、移動端、Web端全棧開發。
  • 以.NET和Rust為前後端主要技術棧。
  • 基於K8s和Dapr實現分佈式微服務。


  • 擁有.NET(限.NET Core/.NET 5+)或Rust實際專案開發經驗。
  • 擁有基於K8s的微服務專案經驗,如瞭解Dapr更佳。
  • 擁有移動端開發經驗,尤其是iOS應用上架經驗更佳。
  • 擁有能讀懂技術文檔的英文能力。
  • 熱愛新技術,注重工具效率與開發效率。
  • 有自學能力,熱衷於參與前沿技術引入和疑難問題攻堅。
  • 追求代碼品質,能嚴謹地編寫和維護兼具高性能、高可維護、高擴展性的代碼。
  • 有責任心,敢於承擔,忠於自己的職責。
  • 性格開朗,善於溝通,能夠融入年輕開放的創業團隊。

酬薪:20k-30kRMB  工作時間:早10:00-晚10:00  工作地點:珠海橫琴


崗位2:中級.NET全棧工程師  3個    期望到崗日期:5月1日


  • 按照產品需求和技術要求,完成專案業務代碼。
  • 編寫單元測試和ci流程,參與應用的部署和上架。
  • 編寫和維護技術文檔。


  • 服務端、移動端、Web前端全棧開發。
  • 以.NET為前後端主要技術棧。
  • 基於K8s和Dapr實現分佈式微服務


  • 擁有.NET後端實際專案開發經驗(有其他後端伺服器技術棧經驗的願意轉學亦可),擁有微服務經驗更佳。
  • 擁有前端或移動端實際開發經驗,尤其是iOS應用上架經驗更佳。
  • 熱愛新技術,注重工具效率與開發效率。
  • 善於自我驅策,按時高效地完成開發任務。
  • 擁有自學能力,熱衷於參與前沿技術引入和疑難問題攻堅。
  • 追求代碼品質,能嚴謹地編寫和維護兼具高性能、高可維護、高擴展性的代碼。
  • 有責任心,敢於承擔,忠於自己的職責。
  • 性格開朗,善於溝通,能夠融入年輕開放的創業團隊。

酬薪:10k-15kRMB   工作時間:早10:00-晚10:00   工作地點:珠海橫琴



國信證券(香港)金融控股有限公司成立於2008年11月,是國信證券股份有限公司在香港註冊成立的全資子公司,旗下設有國信證券(香港)經紀有限公司、國信證券(香港)融資有限公司及國信證券(香港)資產管理有限公司三家全資持牌子公司,分別從事經紀業務、投資銀行業務及資產管理業務。 國信證券(香港)是母公司國信證券實施國際化戰略、拓展國際業務的平臺,是面向全球、融通世界的橋頭堡,將依託國信證券雄厚的企業實力和在經紀業務體系多年積累的經驗,竭盡所能為客戶提供全面而優質的金融服務。

崗位1: 機構業務-銷售助理


  1. 協助銷售經理服務現有客戶
  2. 收集整理宏觀策略,行業,公司和市場動態等研究資訊,匯總整理晨報、週報、月報以及電話會議紀
  3. 負責銷售產品的日常更新和維護
  4. 協助安排公司調研活、電話會議,分析師路演、投資論壇等活動。
  5. 處理部門內部開戶、風控、合規等事項對接。


  1. 畢業於國內外知名高校,金融,經濟相關專業碩士以上學歷,特別優秀者可考慮本科
  2. 有相關工作經驗優先, 持SFC 1,4號牌為必須要求。
  3. 能承受工作壓力;英文流利;

酬薪:16-25K   工作時間:週一到週五    期望到崗時間:2021\05


23.Listed Company based in Hongkong


Personal Assistant


  1. Provide full spectrum of secretarial and administrative support to the boss, including personal and family matters
  2. Responsible for arranging meeting schedule, business trips, appointment and travel arrangements, etc.;
  3. Assist to handle personal banking and investment matters;
  4. Closely liaise with internal and external parties to ensure smooth business operations;

5     Responsible for arranging meeting schedule, business trips, appointment and travel arrangements, etc.;

  1. 6.     Assist to handle personal banking and investment matters;
  2. 7.     Closely liaise with internal and external parties to ensure smooth business operations;
  3. 8.     Perform ad-hoc duties as assigned.


  1. Degree holder in Hotel & Hospitality Management or related disciplines.
  2. Minimum 3 years’ experience in secretarial related matters for the top management.
  3. Proficient in MS Office applications and Chinese Word Processing.
  4. Detail minded, multi-tasking, organized, with excellent interpersonal and communication skill sets.
  5. Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines while providing good quality of support.
  6. Native in Mandarin, Fluent in spoken and written English, Good communication in Cantonese is an advantage.
  7. Holders of IANG visa are welcome.
  8. Immediate available is preferred.

Location:Central & The Peak

Salary:22-26K + performance bonus


24.Meridian Innovation


Semiconductor Manufacturing Operator

Job Description:

Meridian Innovation is recruiting a self-motivated and enthusiastic Semiconductor Manufacturing Operator for MEMs devices, as a part of our integrated semiconductor chip sequencing technology. This position will involve working in a fast-moving cross-discipline environment.

Daily job activities will include packaging processes of integrated MEMS devices utilizing metal evaporation, lithography, membrane release, wafer level bonding and wafer dicing all while having the unique opportunity of interfacing with our scientists.

Meridian Innovation is a well-funded start-up based in Hong Kong and Singapore, focusing on thermal imaging for commercial application. This is a unique opportunity to join our small, talented and very experienced team and help shape the future of our products.

Basic Qualifications

  • High diploma or above in electronic engineer, mechanical engineer, chemical technology or relate
  • Ability to wear clean room garments which protect hair, dry skin, etc. from contaminating the product (wafers) for extended periods of
  • Steady eye to hand coordination and good observation
  • Good hand and finger dexterity to handle wafers without damaging
  • Comfort working with and around chemicals (safety training will beprovided).
  • Highly motivated and be able to contribute effectively in a team environment and interface well with other Operators and
  • Proficiency with Word, Excel, Project, PowerPoint
  • Ability to communicate well in English, both verbal and


  • Responsible for operating and monitoring equipment like wafer dicer or DRIE to process wafers through the applicable stage in the manufacturing
  • Responsible for making minor corrections to the process and equipment and for recognizing when a technician or engineer is needed, in addition to makingsugge stions for improvement to 
  • Responsible for record and report on daily
  • Computer/Software related tasks such as process diagnosis and interpretation using Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  • Perform production processes in accordance with documented specifications and production schedules which requires interfacing with computer systems to perform job duties.

Job Location(s): Hong Kong Science Park  Salary:Negotiable


 25.Changjiang Securities International Financial Group

Management Trainee

Who are we?

Established in 2011, Changjiang Securities International Financial Group Limited is a subsidiary of Changjiang Securities Company Limited (listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with stock code of 000783). We are a diversified financial services company with various products and services for institutional and retail clients. Our main businesses include securities and futures brokerage, corporate finance and asset management. In order to cope with our rapid business growth, we are going to nourish potential talents into future business leader in the finance industry.

What will we offer?

  • Attractive remuneration package
  • Excellent career development, including invaluable hands-on experience and guidance from senior mentor
  • Exposure to different business segments: Securities Brokerage, Asset Management, Project Management, Finance & Accounts, etc.
  • Strong foundation and better insight into finance field so as to advance your career in managerial positions
  • An exciting, fast-paced working environment and opportunity to play a vital role in our business growth

Who are we looking for?

  • Degree holder or above from Hong Kong accredited university in finance, accountancy or any other related disciplines
  • Ability to make sound judgement based on strong analytical thinking
  • Keen to engage, motivate, and align people to drive for success
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese with fluent Mandarin
  • Willing to pursue finance career in Hong Kong



長江證券國際金融集團有限公司成立於2011年,為長江證券股份有限公司(於深圳證券交易所上市,股份代號: 000783)之附屬公司。我們積極拓展業務至全球金融市場,為兩地的機構客戶及個人投資者提供全面優質的證券和期貨經紀、企業融資和資產管理等服務,豐富兩地投資者的投資選擇,建立起香港和內地金融合作的新模式和新橋樑。因應我們的高速發展,希望有志從事於金融業人士加入我們,成為優秀團隊的一分子。


  • 優厚薪酬和福利待遇
  • 接觸公司各個業務板塊,包括經紀業務、資管業務、專案管理、財務等
  • 接受導師指導,提升個人工作能力,在工作挑戰中學習和發展
  • 豐富個人閱歷,探索潛能和事業發展路徑
  • 有機會加入公司管理者的人才梯隊,成爲構築未來管理者的中堅力量


  • 具備香港本地大學本科或以上學歷(有IANG簽證資格),金融、會計類相關專業優先
  • 善於溝通和協調、領悟能力強,自信勤奮,積極向上,對工作有熱情
  • 中英文流利
  • 有意願在香港長期發展 

 25.Universal Crypto Exchange (base: HK)

1.Senior Architect JD

We are a start-up crypto exchange with strong fund backing. Are you looking to be a part of the most influential company in the blockchain industry and contribute to the crypto-currency revolution that is changing the world?

We have large scale, massive parallel and highly available compute systems on the advanced Cloud Computing platform to serve our systems built by the Cloud Engineering and Architecture team.  We are looking for engineers and architects with great passions to improve, scale and automate this business critical Cloud-based architecture with innovations by effectively use of available technical resources.

You will be expected to drive the requirements for and own large components of the system throughout their lifecycle: requirements, architecture and design, implementations, testing and launch.  You will need to exhibit strong technical expertise, communication skills, define and successfully execute on the cloud engineering in a very agile development and deployment environment.

To be successful in this role, you MUST be a quick learner, stellar software development/automated deployment skills, strong communication capabilities and work well in cross-functional teams (e.g. with application development and testing teams).   This is a great opportunity to enhance your Cloud Computing skills and familiarize with Blockchain based technology and etc while making a real impact on Blockchain and Crypto-Currency technology globally.


3+ year experience with large-scale distributed infrastructure systems and client-server architecture

3+ year experience with Linux platform

Good experience with Python or relevant programming skills

Excellent communication skills (English & Chinese Reading/Writing skills are required)

 MS/BS in Computer Science or a related degree

Bonus Points for:

Experience as a technical lead or architect on a complex distributed system project

Experience with Cloud Computing platforms: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Aliyun or similar

Experience with SQL and/or NoSQL database – MySQL, Redis and etc.

Experience with DevOps, Container, microservices architecture and etc.

Experience with application security and financial systems.


  • Do something meaningful; Be a part of the future of finance technology and the no.1 company in the industry
  • Fast moving, challenging and unique business problems
  • International work environment and flat organisation
  • Great career development opportunities in a growing company
  • Possibility for relocation and international transfers mid-career
  • Competitive salary
  • Flexible working hours, Casual work attire


  1. Senior Marketing Manager JD

We are a start-up crypto exchange with strong fund backing. Are you looking to be a part of the most influential company in the blockchain industry and contribute to the crypto-currency revolution that is changing the world?


Understand and carry the modest, direct, and low-profile branding of Crypto exchange through every interaction we have with customers; work with Product to ensure that voice and tone are consistent in all communications.

Create and run campaigns across channels (social, email, display, search) to drive engagement and account creation for the crypto platform.

Grow our influence and impact on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Telegram, and other channels heavily trafficked by our core audience of crypto traders.

Build partnerships with key industry influencers in the trading and crypto spaces to get exchange in front of as many potential clients as possible.

Create instructional content to help clients understand why they should use Crypto exchange and how they can leverage it most effectively.

Coordinate with marketing team to produce longer form, deep analysis in the right tone for the brand, and launch cross-channel campaigns to promote the content.

Learn about our clients and site visitors via surveys and interviews, and pass that intelligence to Product, Marketing, and Business Operations teams.


2+ years of experience in a similar growth marketing, user acquisition, digital marketing, affiliate marketing or social media management role.

Proven experience in recruiting affiliates, running ad campaigns and leveraging content to increase organic revenue.

Entrepreneurial and resourceful – come to the table with ideas, test them, and optimize the ones that fit with the brand and perform well for the bottom line.

Able to run multiple campaigns / threads at once while maintaining attention to detail.

Ability to quickly build systems using automation tools (Zapier, Reddit bots, etc) and clever process.

Experience working with data visualization and web analytics tools like Grafana and MixPanel, as well as automation tools like Zapier, Reddit bots, Buffer, etc a plus.

Former founder of a consumer-focused tool a plus.

Prior experience in crypto or fintech a plus.

Chinese Reading/Writing skills are required

26.Senior Product Manager JD

We are a start-up crypto exchange with strong fund backing. Are you looking to be a part of the most influential company in the blockchain industry and contribute to the crypto-currency revolution that is changing the world?


Define, lead, and execute holistic strategy to work towards strategic business goals; collaborate across regions, product areas, and functions.

Launch new products and features, test their performance, and iterate constantly and quickly. Identify opportunities and define product vision and strategy.

Engage closely with Engineering teams to determine the best technical implementation methods as well as a reasonable execution schedule.

Synthesize and drive product strategy from interactions with customers, business stakeholders, Legal, and Policy teams; build and manage an actionable product roadmap.

Launch solutions that solve customer challenges.


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, related technical field, or equivalent practical experience.

5+ years’ experience in product design or product management, with experience managing a front end product and developing internet or media products and technologies.

End-to-end product management experience with software/web technologies (e.g. on mobile).

Experience in software development.

Better to Have:

Knowledge of the internet, search engines, and online advertising spaces.

Knowledge of multiple functional areas, such as Product Management, Engineering, UX/UI, Sales, Customer Support, Finance, or Marketing.

Understanding of user experience (UX) and business/commercial challenges.

Understanding of go-to-market commerce enablers (e.g. payments, subscriptions, etc.).


  • Do something meaningful; Be a part of the future of finance technology
  • Fast moving, challenging and unique business problems
  • International work environment and flat organisation
  • Great career development opportunities in a growing company
  • Possibility for relocation and international transfers mid-career
  • Competitive salary
  • Chinese Reading/Writing skills are required



新世界發展有限公司(「集團」;香港股份代號:00017)是一個散發著The Artisanal Movement獨特個性的品牌。成立於1970年,集團於1972年在香港上市,現為香港恒生指數成份股之一。截至2020年12月31日,集團資產總值合共約6,165億港元。集團的主要業務包括物業發展、物業投資及投資及/或經營公路、商務飛機租賃、建築、保險、酒店及其他策略性業務,業務遍佈大中華,特別是在粵港澳大灣區。



  1. 推動創新企業計畫的能力
  2. 具備企業家精神 –
  3. 具有前瞻性的開拓者,對學習充滿好奇心和熱情



薪資:面議   地點:中西區















薪資:30,000-45,000/月 工作地點:中西區 到崗日期:立即到崗


29.Tianda Group Limited  工作地點Central


Tianda Group Limited is a multinational corporation, principally engaged in investment holding, and involved in a wide range of areas, including fast moving consumer goods, pharmaceutical and healthcare, colour printing and creative media, property development, resources and environment as well as financial services. The Group is headquartered in Hong Kong.


崗位Brand Manager

Job Description


Formulate Group’s brand objectives and strategies;

Organize and formulate the Group‘s brand promotion plan, and assist the brand development planning of its subsidiaries;

Establish and maintain a good relationship with the media, consumers and the public as to establish a good brand image;

Take charge of the brand planning, promotion and campaign plan formulation and organization, and make reasonable suggestions on marketing plans and public relations event formulated by the Group’s and its subsidiaries to ensure the unified spread of the brand image;

Implement and monitor of brand promotion projects and brand building management system of the Group’s and its subsidiaries;

Cooperate with department heads to establish and improve corporate brand management standards, and carry out related brand training to Group’s brand development.


Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Brand Management or related disciplines;

At least 5 years corporate brand management and marketing experience with good brand management ability, innovation, market insight, good communication skill and relationship building ability; Have excellent brand planning, analysis and sense of judgment;

Have a high level of responsibility and good communication and coordination skills, strong sense of analytical thinking, pay attention to details, and good command of written and spoken English and Chinese.

We offer 5-day work week and competitive remuneration package to qualified candidates.

Salary negotiable


30.Blockchain Company  

崗位: PA & Admin Executive

We are the Blockchain infrastructure provider with a focus on database and cloud services. As one of the leading blockchain companies in Hong Kong, the V.Systems blockchain aims to develop more DeFi projects, and bring blockchain to mass adoption.

We are looking for energetic and passionate PA & Admin Executive to join our team. You are also willing to explore new technologies and enjoy working in a startup culture.

Job Responsibilities

  • Provide full spectrum of HR functions including recruitment & selection,payroll administration, taxation, MPF and staff records
  • Compensation & benefits; including medical and travelinsurance
  • Handle full spectrum of office administrative to all departments in a professionalmanner
  • Review and implement company procedures andpolicies
  • Company activities andservices
  • Ad-hoc tasks asassigned

Job Requirements:

  • Degree study in human resources management or business relevantstudy
  • Minimum 1 years of experience in PersonalAssistant
  • Able to work independently, good communication skills and team playerpersonality
  • Good command of spoken & written English, Cantonese andMandarin
  • Proficiency in computer applications and HRSystem
  • Familiar with MS Word, MS PowerPoint and MSExcel

What we offer:


  • 5 DaysWork
  • Ideal workplace for personalgrowth
  • Discretionary Bonus
  • TransportationAllowance
  • MPF
  • Generous Annual Leave
  • MedicalBenefits


薪資 18k-20K(可面議)  工作地點:魚湧








  1. 負責公司日常行政事務
  2. 協助公司專案的落地執行
  3. 日常文書處理
  4. 搭建及維護客戶關係
  5. 上級安排的其他工作任務


  1. 本科以上學歷
  2. 良好的語言表達能力和溝通能力,較強的應變能力
  3. 良好的寫作能力,
  4. 熟練掌握office軟體,如會使用圖片及影音處理軟體更佳
  5. 普通話流利,會粵語的應聘者優先考慮

薪資待遇:13-15k(可面議)  地點:中環



GDH Guangnan Hong Company Limited (粵海廣南行) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of GDH Guangnan (Holdings) Limited (Hong Kong Stock Exchange: 1203). Headquartered in Wan Chai, and as one of the largest live pig dealers in Hong Kong, the company is actively engaged in the distribution of live and fresh foodstuffs in the Greater Bay Area. To cope with the Company’s fast and continuous growth, we are now looking for high-caliber candidates to join us. A competitive package will be offered to the right candidates.


崗位1:Assistant Manager / Accountant 1人


  1. To perform consolidation of financial statements and ensure the compliance with accounting standards.
  2. To perform financial analysis and analytical review.
  3. Responsible for budgeting, forecasting, and treasury management.
  4. To take care of internal control and risk management.
  5. To coordinate internal and external audit work.
  6. To assist in corporate finance and M&A project management.
  7. To assist in other ad hoc assignments.


  1. A Degree holder in Accounting or related disciplines.
  2. Minimum 5 years relevant experience, of which 3 years in supervisory level.
  3. CPA Qualified is an advantage.
  4. Proficient in Microsoft Office, experience in Oracle E-business Suite and Hyperion financial management system is preferred.
  5. An Analytical mind with good communication and interpersonal skills.
  6. Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese (including both Cantonese and Putonghua).
  7. A Multi-task performer with strong project management skills.
  8. Knowledge of the SASAC reporting system (國資委“久其”) and experience with PRCstate-owned companies will be a plus.
  9. Occasional travel is required and immediate availability is highly preferred.

薪資:面議 工作地點:灣仔 到崗日期:立即到崗


崗位2:業務員 2人


  1. 負責處理日常文書工作
  2. 業務數據輸入、統計及分析
  3. 協助銷售部門日常運作



  1. 中五或以上程度  
  2. 良好溝通能力及人際關係  
  3. 熟悉電腦及中文打字  
  4. 2年工作經驗  
  5. 勤奮、主動、積極、有責任心

薪資:面議 工作地點:灣仔 到崗日期:立即到崗


33.西證國際Southwest Securities (HK) Financial Management Limited


We are a subsidiary of Southwest Securities International Securities Limited (Stock Code: 812), a listed financial group engaged mainly in securities, futures, corporate finance and wealth management activities.  We are expanding and inviting high caliber candidates to join our Company. http://www.swsc.hk/tc/

崗位:Assistant Manager, Risk Control


  • Produce risk monitoring reports on equities/futures/options on a regular basis
  • Daily monitoring on clients’ risk exposure
  • Compiling risk reports and monitoring adherence to risks limits
  • Liaises with different departments and Head Office regarding risk control issues
  • Update risk management procedure and manual


  • Degree holder or above with strong interests in risk/finance
  • 2 years of relevant experience in the financial services industry
  • Attentive to details, good analytical and interpersonal skills
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office, VBA will be an advantage
  • Excellent command of written and spoken Chinese & English, fluency in Mandarin

Salary:Negotiable  Working Time: 5 days Location: Causeway Bay

34.MERIDIAN Innovation(邁瑞迪創新科技)

是一家無晶圓科技創新公司,也是先進CMOS熱成像解決方案的先驅開發商。 其美國和歐洲專利的SenXorCMOS熱成像技術可實現批量生產LWIR相機,可以廣泛應用在當今新的消費和商業場景中。




  1. 電子|機械工程|化工|文科等相關文憑或內地同等大專以上學歷,如學習能力好中五或中六也可;
  2. 需身穿無塵服,戴保護頭套、手套以避免影響晶片制程 (如下圖)。
  3. 穩定的手眼協調能力和良好的觀察能力及學習能力。
  4. 心靈手巧,可以在不損壞晶片的情況下操作設備處理晶片。
  5. 安全使用實驗室設備等技術工作(公司將提供安全培訓和操作培訓)。
  6. 積極進取,能夠在團隊中做出有效貢獻;與其他操作員和工程師良好對接。
  7. 精通Word,Excel,Project,Power Point
  8. 良好中英文及流利普通話或廣東話。


  1. 負責操作和監視晶片圓切塊機或DRIE等設備,在製作過程中適當階段處理晶片。
  2. 為提高生產效率可提供建議,還負責對制程和設備進行輕微的修正,並識別何時需要技術主管或工程師現場指導。
  3. 負責無塵實驗室每天的記錄和報告。
  4. 處理電腦/軟體相關任務,例如過程診斷和解釋等方法。
  5. 按照檔規格執行實驗室生產過程,並生成時間表,與電腦系統配合執行工作

薪資:HKD 12-14K (立即到崗)    工作時間:9:00-6:00




35.Investment bank – Associate

We are a Hong Kong-based specialist corporate finance advisory firm, licensed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on Type 6 regulated activity (advising on corporate finance) in Hong Kong. We are looking for high caliber candidates to join our company.

Job Highlights

  • Degree in Business, Finance / Accounting
  • SFC license type 6 Corp
  • At least 2 years of audit experience (preferably from Hong Kong Big 4)
  • Work Location: Shanghai

Job Description


  • Prepare and review consolidated client group accounts as well as management accounts
  • Provide supports on structuring, evaluating and executing corporate finance activities, including IPO, fundraising, M&A or other strategic finance initiatives
  • Review monthly financial statements and reports, describing in professional details about the operation results
  • Review budget and cash flow projection
  • You will liaise with external auditors, handle business valuation, taxation, treasury matters
  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required

Experience, Knowledge & Qualifications:

  • Degree in Business, Finance / Accounting or related discipline member of HKICPA or ACCA
  • At least 2 years of audit experience (preferably from Big 4)
  • Acute analytical and quantitative skills, able to perform due diligence, research, financial modelling and valuation and with strong attention to detail
  • Analytical mind, detail-oriented, responsible and able to meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent communication skills and strong report writing skill
  • Proficient in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Good command of both spoken and written English and Chinese. Proficient in Mandarin.
  • Previous work experience in PRC background company is preferred
  • Able to work independently and work under tight timeline
  • Travel will be required

Salary:20-25K  Work Location: Shanghai















  1. 學士學位或以上學歷,10年以上的相關工作經驗和廣泛的人脈網絡;
  2. 具有高度的責任心和前瞻性的戰略思考,決策和應變能力;


  1. 德才兼備,善於溝通、協調,組織和領導能力強;
  2. 有各地青年大型活動舉辦和管理經驗優先,瞭解青年需求;
  3. 中英文流利,普通話良好優先;(熟悉電腦操作)
  4. 愛國愛港,政治理念清晰明朗


  1. 準時上下班,以身作則,確立執行制度;
  2. 每次會議都有清晰的記錄,並及時呈報主席審閱;
  3. 做事主動積極,能高度配合主席提出的工作要求,並積極主動匯報工作相關


  1. 處理好秘書處各員工的出勤,行政,調度及督導等相關事宜;
  2. 5. 協調並積極配合社團內部各會董會成員的聯絡溝通工作以及活動要求;
  3. 或需組織或者出席於內地舉行的會議或活動


(1) 預先安排的活動工作,應在每月初提交的工作計劃上注明活動計劃及預算費


(2) 如遇臨時安排活動情況,也需在出發前向主席報告及申請預算費用,經主席


(3) 每半年提供一份已辦或待辦活動財務收入支出預算報告, 供會方評估及匯報


(4) 收支方面是否按照預算進行,如項目及活動費用未能依期或超過 1 個月逾期


(5) 活動進行至中段或結束後須提供財務收支狀況及報告表供會計督導及記錄;

(6) 督導和協調各部門及活動的申報開支費用,包括交通費、餐費及設備費用,


薪酬:面議 (即時返工優先),視乎工作表現發放年終酬/花紅 
